To Credit Card

Your Guide


If you know the right strategies you can pick up an extra few hundred dollars (or more) annually using free or cheap money from credit card companies. Here is your guide to credit card arbitrage.

Step 1: Get the Right Credit Cards and Convenience Checks

For credit card arbitrage you need a decent “spread” between your borrowing rate and the rate you earn when investing the money.

Step 2: Put Together Your Pile of Free or Cheap Money

You have to charge everything you normally buy to your 0% cards and make only the minimum payments required.

Step 3: Find the Right Liquid Investments

Northpointe Bank’s Ultimate Account pays 5% on up to $10,000, and One American Bank’s Free Kasasa Cash checking account pays 3.5% on up to $10,000.

Step 4: Manage the Process

With each card or convenience check mark the calendar for a week or two before the 0% rate expires.

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