
AppDown Review: Make Money Downloading Apps On Your Phone

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Want to Make Extra Money Now?

As we’ve seen before, your smartphone can be a great device for an easy way to make some money. Today we’re going to introduce a new money-making program called Appdown, which pays you for downloading and trying out new apps.

What Is Appdown?

Appdown, unlike most money-making programs for the smartphone, isn’t an app that you download to your phone. It’s rather a website that you sign-up from your Android or iPhone device. Once you log-in, there will be plenty of apps listed on their for you to download and try out and earn some cash in the process.

Appdown will keep track of what apps you download from their website. As long as you open the app for at least 2 minutes, you will be awarded points which can later be redeemed for cash or gift cards.

Open for 2 minutesAppdown receives money from advertisers when you download their apps. They then in turn siphon a portion of these funds and give them to you in the form of points.

How Can I Start and Earning Cash Right Away?

It’s pretty simple to get started. We’ve broken it down into 3 easy steps to help you get going and earning money right away.

1. You have to first go to their website at Since it’s web-based, there is no app that you need in order to download. Once you’re on their webpage, scroll down to the bottom and sign-up using Facebook or an email account.

Sign up2. Once you sign-up, you’ll be automatically redirected to a page where you can download apps. The point and cash value will be listed next to the app so you know how much you’re earning.

step 2 appdown3. Once you get enough points, you can exchange them for gift cards or cash.

step 3 appdownHow Much Money Can I Make?

The amount of money you make can vary greatly. It really all depends on when new apps are displayed on their web-based platform, and there’s no set schedule.

Currently the apps that are listed pay anywhere from $0.03 cents to around $0.50 cents depending on the app. Apps are listed in order from the highest-paying to the lowest paying. This way, if you don’t want to waste too much time you can simply stick with the higher-paying ones.

app list appdownWhen you first sign-up, you should be eligible to earn an automatic $4.60 if you download all of the apps available. From there on out, make sure to check back daily for any new apps, as apps can often disappear from the list if you take too long.

I’ve found that this is a great way to pass the time if you’re either waiting in line or on break at work, or whenever you have some spare time to kill.

You will be paid when you’ve reached a minimum of 300 points which is equivalent to $1. You can either redeem directly to PayPal or for gift cards. I always recommend PayPal since you can always buy gift cards at a great discount.

Gift Cards appdownAll-in-all, I would say that you can safely earn an extra $10 dollars a month for doing little to no work.

Are There Any Other Ways To Earn Some Extra Cash?

The great thing about Appdown is that it’s very referral friendly. If your friends sign-up under your name, you earn 50% of their earnings for life.

appdown-refer-a-friendMake sure to post your link on Facebook to get more users to sign under you. Appdown estimates that if you get 10 friends to sign-up under you and you’ve downloaded all of your apps you will earn around $22 dollars. This isn’t bad for a post on Facebook and maybe 10 minutes of work.

Furthermore, your money will continually add up as you’ll keep earning passive income thanks to your friends. Make sure to encourage them to refer friends as well, as the more money they earn, the more money you earn.

If you’d like to support Frugal For Less, you can use our referral link here.


Appdown is a great way to earn some extra cash on your phone for doing little work. I find it best used when you have some spare time while waiting in line.

Overall, you can’t earn a great deal of money as there will have a limited number of apps available for use. That’s why it’s even more important to make sure to refer friends and earn some extra cash. If you’re looking for some other ways to earn cash by downloading apps, check out Appdown’s twin brother called FreeMyApps.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below. Good luck and happy frugaling! Thanks for reading.

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