
Adme App Review: Earn Free Cash Unlocking Your Phone

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Want to Make Extra Money Now?

Note: The Adme app has recently changed to a platform that rewards you Amazon gift cards for sharing content. You can check out their site here or you can view our full list of lockscreen apps.

If you like making money for doing something you already do on a daily basis, then the Adme app might be for you. This app will pay you just for unlocking your smartphone screen. Right now you get a $1 bonus for signing-up.

What Is Adme?

Adme is a free mobile app that you can download to your Android smartphone and pays you each time you unlock your phone screen.

Each time you unlock your phone an ad is displayed. Adme gets paid to display these ads whether they are clicked or not. A portion of these funds goes into your account just for being a participant.

The ads contain nothing that isn’t family-friendly and are usually deals and coupons to retailers. You don’t have to click on an ad to get your phone unlocked and can easily swipe past it by swiping right on your screen.

how-it-works-admeYou might not get paid each time you unlock your screen, but if you use your phone normally throughout the day you should notice that your Adme account balance slowly adds up.

Adme does this because they get many people trying to hack the system and continually unlock their phone in order to get points. Using a specialized algorithm, Adme makes sure that you’re slowly increasing your money so that you continue participating in their program.

How Do I Get Started With Adme?

Anybody can get started with Adme provided that they have an Android device. It can be done in 5 simple steps.

1. Install the app. You can download the app here. When you try to create an account, Adme will try to link to your Google account. If you don’t have one you’ll have to create one.

login-register-adme2. You already have $1.00 in your account. You can view your Adme balance when you click on the app, and you should see a balance of $1 dollar just for signing-up. If you used our referral link above, you earned an extra $.50 cents or you can type in our referral code on the front screen: bNALpS6gKV.

1-dollar-account-balance-adme3. Your phone will display ads when you unlock it. Avoid the ads by sliding to your right to close the lock screen. Even if you don’t click on anything you’ll still get paid. In fact, Adme won’t pay you for viewing, clicking, or downloading ads.

lockscreen-display-adme4. Cash out when you’ve reached a minimum balance of $10. Cash can only be redeemed to a verified PayPal email and will can only be redeemed twice monthly at most.

request-rewards-adme5. Earn extra cash. Referring friends will give you and the person you refer an extra $.50 cents in your account. Again, you can use our referral link here to support us.

share-the-love-admeHow Much Can I Earn With The Adme App?

This is an extremely difficult question to answer. Each person uses their phone differently and uses it a different amount of times. A person who unlocks their screen more frequently will probably earn a little bit more cash.

The goal of Adme is for you to use your phone like you normally would, not purposely locking and then unlocking your phone just to get extra money. After personally trying this, I realized I wasn’t really earning much more.

Adme’s algorithm works to increase your cash balance across the day using various factor meant to decrease the risk of fraud. That being said, you won’t each time you unlock, but if you use the app throughout the day you should slowly see your balance increase.

how-much-can-you-earn-admeFor me personally, I’ve found that if I use the phone like I normally do I earn anywhere from $10 dollars to $15 dollars monthly. Keep in mind that this is how much I earn, and may be different for each user.

The times I do receive money for unlocking the screen is usually $.02 cents at a time. While it’s not much it slowly adds up and nets me a few free meals per month.Just remember, if you try to click on the Adme ads that appear, you will not receive any extra money.

Can This Work With Other Screen Unlock Apps?

In short, the answer is yes. If you want to install multiple lock-screen apps Adme will not interfere with them. In fact, we recommend it.

What will happen is that when you unlock your screen, the display for the first app will appear and then the second display for the second app will appear afterwards. For example, if you’re using the Fronto app, the Fronto lock screen appears first. Swipe it away and then the Adme screen pops up. Swipe again and you’re back to your home screen.

fronto-appIf you have any other lock screen apps installed, try using multiple ones to see if they work. This is a great way to increase your income.

Final Thoughts

You’re more than likely already unlocking your phone multiple times per day, so you might as well get paid for it. Adme takes away your current lock screen and replaces it with one that displays an ad. You don’t have to click the ad to get off of the lock screen.

From my personal experience, I earn about $15 dollars per month, but remember that each person is different depending on their phone usage. Don’t bother trying to unlock the phone more frequently than you normally do, as you won’t get that much more cash. Furthermore, clicking on ads will not increase your income.

Sorry iPhone users, but Adme is still working on a model for the iOS yet has a while to still be completed. Be sure to check back here or on the Adme webpage for updates.

No-iphoneIf you want a list of other great apps that can get you some passive or almost passive income on your phone, we recommend the following:

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments below. I do my best to respond as soon as I can. Thanks for reading and happy frugaling!

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