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Before you click that purchase button on Amazon, make sure you check whether you can get that item for free. A company called Snagshout has partnered with Amazon sellers that need reviews for their products. Promise to leave a review after you make a purchase, and the item is yours for free or heavily discounted.
What Is Snagshout?
Snagshout is a company that promotes a new form of marketing that tries to connect shoppers and brand owners. When you decide to buy an item on Amazon listed the Snagshout page, you are agreeing to leave a review for the product. In exchange, you receive the item for free or at a heavy discount.
Snagshout encourages buyers to leave a positive review after testing out a product, but honesty comes first. They want feedback to be beneficial to those considering to buy the product in the near future. A good way to leave a review is to list the pros and cons of the purchased item and if you would recommend it to a friend.
When leaving a review, you must include this exact sentence in your review statement:
“This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for my honest review.”
If this sentence is not found on the review page, Snagshout will consider this in invalid review and could result in the suspension or termination of your account. This is how they determine if you actually left a review from using Snagshout or just because you wanted to leave one anyways.
Snagshout asks that you wait no longer than 2 weeks to post a review after receiving the product. If you do not leave one within the allotted timeframe, you will not be allowed to receive future promotions. So that all people snagging a deal have the same advantage, you can only receive one item at a time through Snagshout.
Discounts on Snagshout vary, but you’re usually looking at saving anywhere from 50% – 100% off of the original purchase price.
Deals come and go very quickly, so make sure to snag one if you see one that you like. Also take note that Snagshout prices don’t include shipping.
If you’re not an Amazon Prime Member with free two-day shipping, you might have to pay some extra cash. Start with a 30-day free trial and test it out.I personally find Amazon Prime worth it. You can find our personal breakdown of Amazon Prime in this article.
How Do I Get Started Using Snagshout?
Getting started with Snagshout is pretty simple and can be done in 5 easy steps.
1. Register. You can register for an account with Snagshout by clicking here. You’ll be asked to enter your name and email or to use your Facebook account to log-in. Confirm your email after clicking “sign-up.” You’ll also be asked to link your Amazon profile.
2. Check out deals. Once your account is confirmed, click on the “deals” tab at the top of the Snagshout page once you log-in. It’s easy to sort deals by most popular, price, etc. by using the pull-down menu on the left side of the page. This way you can easily view free items.
3. Snag it. Click on the item you want and then click on the “Snag It” button to claim it. If you like an item, it’s usually best to get it right away as there’s only a limited amount at a discount. If you aren’t an Amazon Prime Member with free two-day shipping, you’ll have to pay for freight costs.
4. Use your promo code. After snagging the item you want, Snagshout will give you a promo code to be used at checkout. Enter the code to receive the discount. I got this awesome iPhone 6 case for free!
5. Leave a review. Once you receive the product, try it out and leave a review. You’ll have two weeks to write about the pros, cons and whether you’d recommend it to a friend or not.
Remember, your review entry must include the following phrase: “This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for my honest review.” If you don’t say this, Snagshout will not give you future deals.
How Can I Save Even More Money On Amazon?
By purchasing specific Amazon products through an online shopping portal, you can save up to 30% off of your original purchase price. We’re going to explain briefly how to use shopping portals, but if you want a more detailed explanation you can read this article here.
The two portals that give you the most amount of cash back are TopCashBack and BeFrugal. For demonstration purposes, we’re going to use BeFrugal.
You can sign-up by clicking this link here. Once you’re logged-in, type in “Amazon” in the search box. You’ll notice that you can get anywhere from 6% – 30% in cash back by first going through the BeFrugal shopping portal and using their links. This way, they receive a commission and give a portion of that to you.
Final Thoughts
I always check Snagshout before purchasing something on Amazon. There’s no point in paying for something if I can get it for free.
If you take a look on what deals are available, you’ll notice that for the time being, the majority of the products are vitamins/supplements. This is slowly changing as Snagshout is becoming more well-known and connecting with more and more sellers.
If you’re looking for additional ways to save money on Amazon, I suggest the following articles:
- 40 Amazon Hacks That Will Save You Money
- 50 Amazon Review Sites For Getting Cheap Amazon Products
- Top 10 Amazon Review Sites
If you have a product you’d like to sell and are looking for a way to get more reviews, contact the Snagshout team and they’ll be more than happy to help. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below. Thanks for reading and happy frugaling!